A prophecy from Spanch
You who live unknowingly in the land of our ancient capital should be wary of who has come before you. Ignore us not – we still live, though far from this place.
You who slowly destroy and devour our walls as your food should know that there is one thing that you cannot consume. It measures three tail-lengths across and is as green as the upakarana vine. When this thing is found, your destruction and the rejuvenation of our land will be soon to pass.
You unscholarly beings have not read our words, you have not heard our songs. You are unaware of all that has come before you, and you are unaware of what is yet to come. You know not of our ancient troth to the people of that other land, those mages of unparalleled knowledge. You know not of the eight gifts we were given in exchange for this troth. We have hidden them in such a way that these gifts will not be found by you until the time is right for our return.
The Arcane know, and they will not grace your crumbling ruin of a dry and barren land while our council is still absent. They remember our troth to the ones of that other land, and they will return to our capital with our writings after the eight gifts are uncovered. They will be the conductors to our return, which will be unexpected by you and your kind.
And from there, a new age will begin, as in all things, quadfold. For us, we will return to our capital and reinstate our ancient ways on this material plane. For you, your kind will be slain in the thousands and sent back to that dark and cavernous place from which you once came. The Arcane will no longer manufacture those things for which they are most known and will return to work with us in preparing for the final part of this new age. Those in that other land, those with who we have our ancient troth, their time is once more to occur. The old age is coming.
A letter to Hubert
Dearest Hubert,
These are your friends speaking to you through the medium of letter-writing: Barnabus and Harriet. We are sorry for not telling you we were leaving again, but we are very sorry about it. The nature of our journey requires that the participant must have the ability to ride a being of the equine persuasion, and as it is well known, because you do not possess this ability, as a consequence, you were not able to come on this journey with us. While we are gone, however, we will labor to procure you a gift worthy of a king while we are in the city of Central. I do not know how long we will be gone, but I want you to know you are in our thoughts always.
Sincerely (with love),
Harriet and Barnabus